
Is Stray Current Destroying Your Vehicles Cooling System?

Have you recently had a radiator failure on your vehicle? One of the reasons why your radiator failed could have been from electrolysis. Electrolysis is the process of electric direct current (DC) causing a non-spontaneous chemical reaction that drives metal from one surface to another. In real world terms; this stray current is creating corrosion by driving metal away from the metal in your radiator and into your coolant (where it doesn't belong). This electrolysis-caused corrosion then causes all manner of defects, from pin-hole leaks in the core to leakages around joins.

As part of our installation guide for all new Motorkool radiators, we require that all stray electrical currents must be found and rectified before a warranty-approved installation can be completed. This means our “2-Year No Fuss" warranty protects you and your new radiator in the best possible way.

Has your radiator been installed by an authorised repairer?

How do you test for electrolysis in your cooling system? Firstly you need a tool that can measure most electrical values, a multimeter. In this particular instance we need to use an analogue multimeter, as digital multimeters can actually introduce current of their own and affect our readings.

  • First ensure the cooling system is cool enough to remove the radiator cap
  • Remove the radiator cap
  • Take the analog multimeter and place the positive lead in the coolant, and the negative lead on the negative terminal of the battery
  • Make sure the multineter positive lead doesn't touch the filler neck or the radiator core
  • Set the multimeter to amps, and turn on the vehicle's electrical devices one at a time, with and without
  • As you turn on each electrical device, check the amp reading on the multimeter

Any reading above 0.4A is damaging current to the cooling system and needs to be rectified, or your radiator will be subject to damaging electrical current that will severely shorten the lifespan of the unit.

Following our recommendations will ensure that you avoid the damaging electronic current that could shorten the lifespan of your new radiator.

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